Food and Wine Heritage in the Marche Region: Digital Storytelling Through Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, agri-food heritage, digital storytelling




The aim of the research project is to provide historical-cultural information, mediated by 3D digital applications, by means of technologically advanced tools based on mixed reality systems to tell and spread the variety of the food industry and its history linked to the territory of origin. The interest for the enogastronomic heritage is combined with the history and local traditions that give food unique values inseparable from those of the territory. In this scenario, a series of experiments have been started which use the idea of "experience" as a tool to promote the interest of the visitor through new forms of communication and the construction of a narrative universe capable of involving and guiding him/her towards the knowledge of the enogastronomical culture of the territory of Marche


2019 — 2021

24 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
Daniele Rossi

Tipologia di bando competitivo
Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca

Gruppo di ricerca
Daniele Rossi, Federico O. Oppedisano, Carlo Vinti, Raffaele Pierucci, Riccardo Mecozzi, Livia Barone, Alessandro Olivieri, Nicola Brucoli

Budget complessivo
€ 48000