Vitality. Innovation, Digitalisation and Sustainability for The Diffuse Economy in Central Italy / WP2: Integrated structural monitoring and simulations for advancing building safety and resilience

Earthquake Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Probabilistic Methods, Structural Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring.



Natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, are responsible for severe damages, service interruptions, economic loss, and casualties, even in developed countries with engineered buildings. Part of the reasons for this vulnerability of the living environments can be traced in the magnitude of natural events larger than predictions considered in the design process as well as in abnormal degradations due to negligence in programmed maintenance and/or harsher than expected environments. However, the list of vulnerability causes in buildings must be completed by human errors and negligence, such as human errors in the design and/or construction phases as well as defects in materials and components, obsolete or inadequate prescriptions used for the design of older existing buildings, negligence and errors during strengthening and repairing older existing buildings that might further compromise already poor safety levels. In this context, the specific objectives of this WP2 are: 
  • Rational and effective methodologies to properly handle natural and man-made hazards in the design and safety assessment of buildings. 
  • Advanced and efficient modelling tools to predict the structural response of buildings under natural and man-made hazards, also considering the great variability of structural systems (from modern engineered buildings to historic and monumental architectural heritage). 
  • Experimental procedures to identify the actual behaviour of structural systems for model updating, model validation, condition-based assessment, condition-based maintenance, and damage detection. 
  • Handbooks to guide professional consultants as well as stakeholders and administrators towards safer and more resilient buildings that translate to safer and more resilient communities. 


01/07/2022 — in corso

36 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
Spoke 6 – WP2 leader: Alessandro Zona 
Spoke 6 - PI: Flavio Corradini

Tipologia di bando competitivo
Bando "Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione", nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 Istruzione e ricerca, Componente 2 Dalla ricerca all’impresa, Investimento 1.5, finanziato dall’Unione europea, NextGenerationEU.

Gruppo di ricerca
(SAAD) Alessandro Zona, Andrea Dall’Asta, Michele Morici, Valeria Leggieri


  • Meccano S.p.A.

Budget complessivo
€ 9.819.866

Finanziamento ad Unicam
€ 7.942.000 euro – WP2: € 187.000,00

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