VITALITY. INNOVATION, DIGITALISATION AND SUSTAINABILITY FOR THE DIFFUSED ECONOMY IN CENTRAL ITALY / WP1 – Context: indoor and outdoor at the center of the digital and green transition of livingnvironments

Urban space transition, indoor-outdoor inteface, climate adptation, design strategies, technological solutions


The emerging crises of the last few years require us to address the issue of urban space transition towards sustainable models that place well-being, comfort, health protection, and the safety of outdoor and indoor spaces. During urban regeneration processes, these spaces are often investigated separately, with approaches that, even if inspired by the quality of living improvement, fail to explore the complexity and interdependence of the different components, which could suggest possible ideal solutions in terms of environmental and climatic performances, safety, efficiency of technological infrastructures, energy-saving, only if investigated as a whole. To ensure an integrated assessment of urban spaces, which finds its interpretative and design key in indoor-outdoor relationships, the WP works on the spatial unity of the "minimal urban cell", a representative set of individual components, such as buildings, greenery, roads, squares, that organize and specialize the variable parts of which the city is made of. Starting from the analysis of the microclimatic conditions of this minimal unit, the building’s energy behavior and security, the environmental performance outdoor space, etc., with the support of digital technologies it is possible to define the most suitable technical alternatives intervention, improving performances and the benefits offered in terms of quality of life, well-being, and health of the inhabitants. The advantage of this approach is based on the easy adaptability and replicability of the solutions in similar morphological, climatic and environmental conditions, and on the possibility of using digital technologies to update and modify the information related to these solutions. that identify them by relying on homogeneous sets of aggregated data, on key indicators, on flexibility both in the choice of simulation tools and in the definition of intervention solutions. The use of homogeneous sets of reliable aggregate data, on key indicators, on flexibility both in the choice of simulation tools and in the definition of intervention solutions, allows this possibility.
The objectives of the WP can be summarized as follows:
  • define key design parameters that focus on the interrelation between the building scale and the minimum urban unit scale, through measurable factors in order to develop mitigation and adaptation actions that improve the conditions of comfort, safety and energy, and environmental efficiency of indoor spaces and outdoor;
  • define project and management specifications to be implemented in an operational environment: design strategies (building and urban scale), technological solutions (for heating/cooling, ventilation, collection and distribution of rainwater, use of renewable sources, production and distribution of electricity, the building envelope and related components), construction methods and management systems both for the building and the urban setting;
  • define high standards of energy and environmental efficiency combinations, with economically sustainable solutions;
  • define adequate geo-clusters that manage the complexity of the existing heritage and obtain homogeneous sets of aggregate data that can be used as key indicators for small and large-scale interventions;
  • increase citizens’ and users’ awareness and participation with regard to sustainable uses of indoor and outdoor living environments by promoting appropriate behaviors


01/07/2022 — in corso

36 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
WP1 leader: Rosalba D'Onofrio

Tipologia di bando competitivo
PNRR Missione 4 componente 2 Investimento 1.5 Creazione e rafforzamento di “Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione”, costruzione di “leader territoriali di R& S” - Progetto VITALITY

Gruppo di ricerca
Rosalba D'Onofrio, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Giuseppe Losco, Luigi Coccia, Roberto Ruggiero, Sara Cipolletti, Rtda Ilenia Pierantoni, RtdA Graziano Marchesani


  1. Università di Urbino (UNIURB)

Budget complessivo
€ 9.564.491,84

Finanziamento ad Unicam
WP1 € 554.178,97