Life + A_GreeNet

Green Infrastructures, Climate adaptation, health and well-being of people, urban planning




The "key" objective of the LIFE + A_GreeNet project is to adapt to the rising temperatures and heat waves the City of the Middle Adriatic (340936 inhabitants), including the coastal municipalities of Ancona and San Benedetto del Tronto (Marche Region), the Temporary Association (ATSTE) "Città della Costa” (City of the Coast) - municipalities of Martinsicuro, Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto, Giulianova, Roseto, Pineto and Silvi (lead partner) - and Pescara (Abruzzo Region). The impacts of high temperatures on the economy, the environment and people's health in Europe, particularly in the southern areas, are expected to increase in the coming years (JRC Peseta, 2020) bringing catastrophic effects -especially on the urban population- should effective adaptation measures be not implemented.
These adaptation measures in urban areas are identified in green infrastructure, as proposed in some projects (URBAN Greenup, LifeMedGreenRoof, Quick Urban Forestation, etc.) and some EU strategies and recommendations.
LIFE+ A_GreeNet in terms of specific objectives aims to:
  1. increase the quantity of green spaces through the common tools of urban planning, by identifying possible solutions to the obstacles that have slowed down or prevented the plans implementation;
  2. increase the quality of green spaces in order to enhance their capacity to set more favourable climatic conditions compared to the residential area; to provide shelter and protection to the most fragile population groups (i.e. children, the elderly and those living on minimum wages and incomes);
  3. to improve the aesthetic perception of the city; to encourage tourist attraction and socialisation; in order to fight the thermal stress on natural or semi-natural habitats, the project aims to increase the resilience of the urban environment, air quality, health and well-being of people in denser urban areas by connecting existing green areas and providing for new ones, thus creating a structural and functional green network;
  4. to develop a multi-level and multi-actor governance, strengthening the administrative capacity regarding the climate adaptation of all governance levels involved in land planning and management (Region, Provinces, Municipalities) of both public and private parties, who are also asked to collaborate in the management and design of green areas and to increase their responsibility and awareness towards adaptation measures.


Stato del progetto
01/10/2021—In corso

47 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
Rosalba D'Onofrio

Tipologia di bando competitivo
LIFE20 CCA/IT/001752

Gruppo di ricerca
Rosalba D'Onofrio, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, MariaFederica Ottone, Elio Trusiani, Sara Cipolletti, Assegnista di Ricerca Timothy Brownlee; Assegnista di Ricerca Graziano Marchesani; Co-finanziamento RtdA Chiara Camaioni-RTDA PNRR PON


  • Regione Abruzzo( PI)
  • Comune di SILVI (ATS Città della Costa)
  • Comune di Ancona
  • Comune di Pescara
  • Comune di San Benedetto del Tronto, Res Agraria srl
  • Legambiente Onlus.

Budget complessivo
€ 3,631,534

Finanziamento ad Unicam
€ 273,340 ( Tot 496,982)

Altri progetti o proposte correlate a questa ricerca

  • Joint_SECAP