ComPaRe_Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures

Reconstruction, material/immaterial heritage, holistic approach, education methods, participatory process


Natural and man-made hazards, anthropogenic effects and extreme climate change events, are persistently putting the cultural heritage of Europe under pressure, with a daily incremental frequency. After such a disastrous event, it is fundamental creating activities that will address the understanding and revival of economic patterns/networks, social structures, religious and cultural life.
The project will promote the development, improvement and testing of teaching methods and didactic instruments for mastering real, complex task of reconstructing settlement structures devastated by nature and man induced disasters (earthquakes, global warming, climate change, terrorism). By focusing parallely on the reconstruction of physical urban structure and of the economic and social structures as well as the cultural and religious life, the project will foster the
development of social and intercultural competences as well as critical thinking about the factors affecting resilience of cities and their underlying invisible structures.
Case study
For the project ComPaRe, the city of Accumoli has been selected as a case study, to generate transnational awareness of a problem, to look together into the past-present-future, and, above all, to work on solutions as an international community through crowd-sourced data.
The project will make a significant contribution to a comprehensive understanding of urban structures as a result of holistic physical and metaphysical processes reflecting the unique and diverse social, cultural and historical heritage, which forms the base for a quality and sustainable reconstruction of a destroyed city. The topic of reconstruction of destroyed cultural heritage will become significantly more relevant in the future, intensifying with the increasing impacts of
climate change. It is intended to help overcome boundaries between responsible authorities, population and scientific institutions, and between various disciplines. Results of Accumoli case study will be transposed to resulting guidelines for civic engagement and heritage protection. The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform will be used by the project lead partner for dissemination of the project content, activities and results, which will be available on the website.

Marzo 2022 — in corso

36 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
Roberto Ruggiero PI per UNICAM (il progetto prevede la compartecipazione di diverse sedi universitarie ciascuna con un proprio coordinamento e tutte coordinate dal partner leader: Universitat Fur Weiterbildung - Krems

Tipologia di bando competitivo
ERASMUS + Call 2021 Round 2 KA2. KA220-HED

Gruppo di ricerca
Roberto Ruggiero (PI), Giuseppe Losco, Alessandro Zona


  • Universitat Fur Weiterbildung
  • Krems, Masarykova Univerzita
  • Brno, Università La Sapienza
  • Roma, Slovenska Technicka Univerzita
  • Bratislave, Ustav Teoreticke a Aplikovane Mechaniky Avcr
  • Praha, Ceske vysoke Uceni Technicke v PRAZ
  • Praha, et al

Budget complessivo
€ 392.790

Finanziamento ad Unicam
€ 57.170 €