EDUSCAPE. Landscape and Climate Change Adaptation in Education

Landscape, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, education




“Eduscape – Landscape and climate change adaptation in education” is an international project focusing on landscape. The project addresses societal challenges of today’s world such as climate change, biodiversity loss, social inclusion, cultural heritage and identity in education of children and youth through the broad topic of landscape.
Being aware of global environmental challenges and the essential role of education, the project addresses both of the issues through the topic of landscape. Landscape as a scene and a reflection of constant change. Landscape as an imprint of natural forces and human activity. Landscape as our home. Landscape that connects us.
Eduscape Methodology elaborates layout for the general topic of landscape in education related to the societal challenges of today's world on the one side and school curriculum on the other, so that it fills in the gaps, links individual subjects and supports future-oriented curricula. The Methodology sets the basic road map of the learning through landscape approach. The project aims to develop comprehensive educational materials for children aged 6-15 years  and their teachers that would tackle a broad range of school subject areas with contemporary relevance. 
In addition, the Eduscape digital platform as an Open Education Resources (OER) will enable sharing of structured educational materials to teachers and educational centers and to children and their parents. Interactive form of the platform will enable users to engage in several virtual activities. The platform will contain a video record of multiplier events and training seminars so that future users of the platform would have access to additional outputs and gain a video guide on how to use the OER.
In this effort, landscape signifies not only physical surroundings but it is rather  a platform, medium, source of information, inspiration but also affection that can be used with advantage in the educational process.


Stato del progetto
28.02.2022—In corso

32 mesi

Responsabile scientifico
Elio Trusiani

Tipologia di bando competitivo
Erasmus+ - KA2
KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education

Gruppo di ricerca
Elio Trusiani, Rosalba D'Onofrio, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Giorgio Caprari, Ludovica Simionato, Catia Re, Piera Pellegrino


  • Università di Camerino (IT)
  • Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze (CZ)
  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (SP)
  • Technische Universität Wien (AU)
  • Msto pátelské k dtem (CZ)

Budget complessivo
€ 376.955,00

Finanziamento ad Unicam
€ 79.306,00

Altri progetti o proposte correlate a questa ricerca

  • Precasteel InnoHyco SteelEarth, (EU-RFCS, conclusi)
  • RESTART (EU-RFCS, in valutazione)